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How Being A No To Another Woman Keeps You In Patriarchy

Sónia Gonçalves

I grew up learning how to dodge dangerous places. A dangerous place was a place where I could be attacked in some way either physically, emotionally, psychologically or energetically. Abuse is a common “value” in modern culture. It is also a value that is still disregarded because this is the way that both women and men stay imprisoned in the patriarchal system.

In this system women are slaves, they are abused and they are also the abusers. This is how we have survived within this prison. This is also how we get our revenge by keeping men as small boys that live in the prison of their mothers skirts.

In this game, women learn that they are enemies and they must fight each other in order to succeed in the game. So we fight to win a man’s attention, we fight to keep “our” man, we fight to be the smartest, the prettiest, the sexiest, whatever it takes to win the game.

We are imprisoned in a game of inferiority and competition, measuring each other, being afraid of losing a favorable position which is mainly being chosen by a man, having his attention, “love” or whatever that may be.

We are suspicious of each other and we take every chance to diminish a fellow woman if the opportunity presents itself.

Women learned to be a No to one another. Women are slaves killing each other in order to be the favorite of their masters. And this is the way that the patriarchy keeps on going, based on this No.

The No comes from a sense of scarcity, that there is not enough for all of us Women and so we must, at all costs, annihilate the competition. There is also a sense of not being able to be at source of Abundance and that the source of this Abundance are the men.

This well woven lie is one of the pillars of patriarchy.

My sisters have forgotten that they are not a part of Gaia, they are Gaia and that they are the vessels through which the Abundance of the Great Mother flows through. My sisters, and I, have forgotten that we are the space through which Life comes through, we are the Portals through which Nothingness becomes Everythingness. And the lie is that this happens just with babies, it is physiological. It is not!

Dear Sisters, you are the Portals of Life and Abundance and you are able to carry this Abundance wherever you go, wherever you are and share it with others… and up until now you have been focusing your attention and resources on little boys thinking and wishing that they would be the ones to open the doors of this Portal that you are. You are the Portal, you are the Opener, the Seed, the Seer.

I invite you to be a Yes to your Sisters and to change your worldview from scarcity to abundance.

Please don’t get me wrong, I am not telling you to be nice to other women and keep on being a good girl, or to go to women circle sing some songs and pretend that everything is alright while your Underworld is ruling your life and the circle you are participating in. That is playing the same game by giving it another name, a different venue and a different song.

Being a Yes is to be committed to your Sisters Transformation, Evolution and Clarity. Being a Yes is calling on the Bullshit that you are sensing. It is also giving Beeps. And Go. And while doing that, you stay there, at her side, connected through your heart with a golden beam, holding your Sword of Clarity and opening up for the energy that comes from Gaia to flow through you to her. This is the secret, Women are able to create a sustainable energetic flow between each other from the energy that comes from Gaia.

Be a Yes. Don’t move an inch. Stay where she is. And let it flow, connected with Gaia, through you, to her.

And watch the world change.

Experiment 1

For a month take notice of the thoughts, voices and stories that come around when you are in a room with another woman.

What are you observing? What are you looking for? What are you noticing with? Is it the way she is dressed? The way she speaks? The way she moves?

Get your Beep! Book and write down all the stories, voices and thoughts.

At the end of the experiment get on your woman 3Cell and share with them all the ways that you discovered you are being a No to other women.

Experiment 2

Go on a workshop or a talk given by a woman, no matter the theme, go to the first one you find. While there, centered, grounded and bubbled, connect yourself to the heart of that woman with a golden beam and then be the space through which the energy of Gaia flows through you to her.
Stay with her every second of her workshop, worktalk, don’t let go for a second!

Take notice of what happens, try it out in other settings, in a coffee, in the street, with your woman friends.

How is it to be a Yes to another Woman?