• Artwork by Dominique Plumanns

  • About me

    I am a Bullshit Slayer Witch, I put on a magnifying glass on how the architecture and function of your inner blocks work energetically, emotionally and intellectually, opening a path in such a way that calls forth your potential, your brightness, your authenticity and your purpose into life.


    In carrying the big picture and the Love I hold for Human Beings and Earth, something else is possible other than the patriarchal gameworld served by modern culture and one of the ways forth is to bring together edgeworkers and empower them to deliver their non-material value in the world.

  • Sónia is a Woman who can scan for what is missing and necessary from across the globe. Time and space are no obstacle for her power of insight and intuition. She has a knack for heart magic which means she can open the exact door at the exact moment to enable healing and transformation to happen. There is a quality in Sonia's commitment to your Being that is healing and transformative on its own.


    Millicent Haughey - New Zealand

    I started learning about PM, and myself, 4 weeks ago when I joined Rage Club. How do I say this.. I will never be the same again. Getting in touch with my anger and letting it speak has made me realize my life needs to change, and that I have the agency and power to do so.


    Jake Smith - USA

  • Online Trainings

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    Joy Club

    Isabel Esterl & Sónia Gonçalves

    What is Joy? How do you relate with Joy? How do you block it? And how can you tell from your Gremlin Joy and Conscious Joy?


    You will be exploring Joy from experiential reality to get your own distinctions about the Gremlin ecstasy and feeling ecstatic about what you love to do.

    How do you move from trying to achieve something to move from your own radiance and align yourself with the Archetypal Forces?



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    5 Bodies Journey

    Sónia Gonçalves

    Your 5 Bodies are the place through which you interact with reality. Reality presents you what is available right now, and now, and now. Reality is feedback happening. Beep, Shift, Go.

    Beep, Shift, Go, allows you to move in reality by giving you your X on the map and showing you your next steps.

    In reality you are connected with your Authority and you can choose, declare and ask.

    In this journey we will be moving through the 5 Body Thoughtmap in Experiential Reality.



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    Move Into Experiential Reality

    Sónia Gonçalves

    The physical body is the place through which all the other bodies connect. If someone is not present with the experience of the physical body, inhabiting the physical body, then it is not possible to be in reality and harness the information that is coming from the experience. The person would be either looking at herself from the outside or looking at someone else from the outside.

    Thus, the physical body is the interface through which to relate and be in reality.

  • Services

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    An 'Emotional Healing Process' is: 'A facilitated Transformational-change experience.

    A typical Emotional Healing Process will require from 30 to 120 minutes start to finish.

    The prerequisite for successful results in Emotional Healing Process is some degree of awareness and competence with Inner Navigation skills, in other words, being able to Consciously Feel.

    Almost always a Process will involve experiencing and expressing Feelings and/or Emotions so that you enter a Liquid State (in any of your 5 Bodies) where change can happen.

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    Change your relationship to the feeling and emotion of anger and fear so you can consciously and productively use the energy and information of anger ad fear as an adult in your daily life, without being possessed or overwhelmed by it. 

    With your Anger you get clarity and can act, protect yourself and avoid creating victim-drama-stories.

    With your Fear you have access to its creative - and intelligent - energy and information, and navigate to the edges of your world and into the alive unknown field of Possibility and Invention.



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    Knacks are repressed in ordinary society, especially in school. You might want to ask yourself "why is that?".

    A knack is a unique intuitive talent that a person seems to be born with.

    You have knacks. What are you creating with them? Do you even know you have them?









  • Writings

    June 30, 2024
    The choices you make, design the reality you are interacting with. A relating space is made of...
    An impulse comes and in the midst of everything that is happening inside of you, you stop it....
    Intimacy cannot be taken away from you. You choose with whom you want to create intimacy with by...
    I grew up learning how to dodge dangerous places. A dangerous place was a place where I could be...
    Dear Village, I will start slowly heading back to Europe, where I will likely and hopefully meet...
  • Resources

    Non-Material Value Tour

    The time I have spent in the Women of Earth Bridge-House brought me the awareness of how important it is for my Being to Be With as I deliver my Non-Material Value. Thinking of this and inspired by an experiment that Christine Durschner did some years ago, I am creating the Non-Material Value Tour where for one week or two you can receive me at your place and have my Non-Material and Archetypal Lineage to work with you on a theme of your choice.

    Heart Gym

    Speaking from your Heart is a skill. The Heart Gym is the space for you to come and practice speaking from your Anger, Sadness, Joy and Fear



    monday to friday - 5pm - 5.30pm CET




    Distinctions, Worktalks and More


    For more juicy content in the form of video born out of my research, experiments, inner navigation and collaborations, click the button bellow. 

    Women of Earth Bridge-House




    The Woman Of Earth Bridge-House is dedicated to researching, developing and embodying Archiarchy life-skills for Women, for the purpose of training each Woman to become a Dignified and Arrogant Spaceholder for Archiarchy, in a co-living training and research space otherwise called: Bridge-House.

  • Contact

    If you want know more about any of the trainings or you have a burning question, use the space bellow